The main aim of introducing GeM portal is to enhance transparency, efficiency speed in public procurement as well as employment. By registering through this portal, the seller as well as buyer can buy or sell their products to the government.

Direct access to all Government departments
One-stop marketplace for marketing with minimal efforts
One-stop marketplace for bids or reverse auction
One-stop marketplace for bids or reverse auction
Seller friendly dashboard for selling and monitoring
Consistent and uniform purchase procedures for sellers

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Why opt for Perfection Consulting India?

Perfection Consulting India We Are The India's Largest Online Business Services Platform Dedicated To Helping People For Applying Various License And Permits Issued By Various Govt. Authorities In India, At An Affordable Cost. We Were Started Our Journey In December 2019 With The Mission Of Making It Easier For Individuals And Common People To Get Registered.

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How GeM is different?

Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is an online procurement platform for government ministries and departments, and the most widely used channel for public procurement. Small medium enterprise, startups accepted with DPIIT and other private companies is eligible to register on GeM portal as sellers and sell the listed products and services directly to government department.

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